Open skype in browser
Open skype in browser

May I offer a guess? The Skype team started out by coding exclusively for Google Chrome, like *every other Web app and site developer* nowadays. Still, even though I don’t personally care what happens to Skype anymore, I *am* interested to find out exactly why the Web-version demo doesn’t work with Firefox. It’s *nice* to be able to talk freely, even just about mundane things, without the Vole and Big Brother listening in and recording - a feeling that is becoming increasingly elusive.

open skype in browser

None of the people I’ve convinced to switch to Wire have regretted it. The biggest challenge is getting your contacts to install it. I’ve run into a few glitches, with both the Windows desktop and Android smartphone versions - and that NEVER happens with Skype, right? /s - but by and large, Wire works quite well, and I think its voice quality is actually superior to Skype’s. I’m not involved in anything shady I’m just tired of having everything I do and say online get intercepted, analyzed, and stored for someone else’s profit or leverage. I switched to Wire, where communications are (supposedly) encrypted end to end and (supposedly) inaccessible even to the folks that *run* Wire.

Open skype in browser